Thank you St. Paul’s School


At our recent graduation ceremony, Ricardo Pérez delivered a speech on behalf of all his fellow students, expressing their gratitude and appreciation towards the St. Paul’s teachers who mean so much to them and who have had such a positive influence on their lives….

The Sanskrit word for teacher is GURU, which comes from “GU” and “RU”. The “GU” means darkness and “RU” means that which removes the darkness. Therefore, a teacher’s role is a torch bearer and pivot of any educational system for younger students. Teaching, in fact, is not a job, it is a noble calling. A teacher is a source of information, a guide, a mentor, a motivator, all at the same time.

A country’s people are the enlarged replica of their teachers. Teachers are the nation builders. So exactly what does a teacher make? A teacher makes kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

They can make a 6 feel like a congressional medal of honor and an 8 feel like a slap in the face. They make parents tremble in fear when they call home, but they also make parents see us, their children, for who we are and what we can be. They make kids wonder, make us question, make us criticize, make us apologize and mean it. They make us write, make us read, make us spell over and over again until we will never misspell that word again. They make us understand that if you have this, then you follow this, and if someone ever tries to judge you, you ignore him.

In the same respect, I also would like to let you know that as we walkout of this school, you will be taking part of us wherever we go and in whatever we do. For you have instilled apart of you in us, while you shaped and molded us. We are your reflection, the image you believe in; we are actually extending the road you have helped us take.

You have signified so many things for us; a friend, a counselor, a mentor, a guide, an educator. You have shown us by example the way to lead our lives. You have given us your love, and we could not ask for more. I don’t have the right words to express what you mean to us nor could it be. But the greatest thing we achieved in our lives in this school is that you have been our teachers.

With you by our side, we are better and stronger each day. You have given us the courage and vision to envision our future. Forever into our future we will tell stories and reminisce of the memorable teachers and classrooms that taught us so diligently.

In the name of all of the graduating students this year , I want to give a BIG thank you to all our teachers at St. Paul’s School Barcelona for not giving up on us. And thank you all for being a lovely audience.

Thank you Ricardo and to all your colleagues for such kind words.


Patricia Carranza

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