St. Paul’s Trip to MIBA

St. Paul’s Trip to MIBA

On Tuesday 25th September the students of 1 Bach B went to the Museum of Ideas and Inventions of Barcelona. There we had a guided tour and took part in a workshop with the idea of creating a new product. This is the starting point of our Entrepreneur Project in which we will be designing, producing and marketing our own products.

This year we hope to surprise you with something novel!!!

David Turner

Junior Achievement Coordinator

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Sport Camp 2024 està complet, esperem veure-us de nou l'any que ve!

¡Sport Camp 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!

Summer School 2024 està complet, esperem veure-us de nou l'any que ve!

¡Summer School 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!