Acontecimentos especiales

St. Paul’s School invita a familias con hijos entre 3 y 8 años a la próxima sesión de St. Paul’s Talks, que contará con la destacada psicóloga infantil, coach del sueño, educadora certificada en disciplina positiva y experta en estimulación temprana, Carmen Romero....

Hablamos con Alessandro Carano, Fundador y Presidente de la fundación sin fines de lucro Carano 4 Children. Una organización que busca desarrollar el potencial de los niños en arte y ciencia en los temas de clima, igualdad y paz a través de la iniciativa Leonardo4Children...

On Thursday the 7th of November, we were delighted to hold the opening ceremony of Building 5. A very special mention to everyone involved in this project, without such hard work and dedication it would not have been possible. Thank your to all the members of the...

As part of the St. Paul's Professional Development Programme, a teacher training workshop will be held this September in the hands of David Didau. David taught English for 15 years in a variety of schools in the UK and overseas. He started blogging about his experiences...

El nostre responsable de cuina Marc Esteve va ser convidat a Cervera a la festa de l’Associació Slow Food Catalunya, organitzada pel Convivium Terres de Lleida: un gran mercat de productors Slow Food i una trobada de cuiners de tots els indrets de Catalunya amb show...

As part of the St. Paul's 50th anniversary celebrations the school is honoured to be welcoming the world-renowned education expert Dylan Wiliam. Dylan Wiliam, PHD, is an internationally recognised authority in the development of effective, research-based formative assessment and his ideas have had a profound effect...

On the 1st of March children from schools all over the world celebrated World Book Day. The aim of this special day is to celebrate reading and to encourage children to discover the pleasure, enjoyment this can give them. The benefits of reading are endless...

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Sport Camp 2024 està complet, esperem veure-us de nou l'any que ve!

¡Sport Camp 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!

Summer School 2024 està complet, esperem veure-us de nou l'any que ve!

¡Summer School 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!