Invitados St. Paul’s

El passat dijous 16 d’abril de 2015 vam celebrar l’acte de lliurament de premis de la divuitena edició del Premi Literari Internacional St. Paul’s. La presidència de l’acte d’enguany va correspondre a Care Santos, periodista i escriptora que ha publicat set novel·les, sis llibres de contes,...

On Tuesday 29 October the students of 1 ESO and 3 ESO were treated to a concert given by 2 choirs from the UK:   the Warwickshire County Girls’ Choir and the Warwickshire County Male Voices Choir who were combining a tour of Cataluña with giving...

About 13 students from the Sezin School in Istanbul came last Wednesday to St Paul´s as a cultural visit. They are learning Spanish as a language and came to Barcelona for a few days. At St. Paul´s they took part in some lessons and got...

On Monday 18 February St. Paul’s received a visit from the Norfolk County Symphonic Wind Band.  The 28 boys and girls who made up the band were on a school trip to Barcelona which combined sightseeing with giving concerts in several schools in the area....

In May St. Paul’s received a visit from a group of students from a secondary school in Finland who were on a cultural trip to Spain. As well as having a tour of the school, the Finnish students, both boys and girls, enthusiastically participated in...

On Friday 24 February, St. Paul’s was delighted to receive a visit from 17 students from the Long Trail High School in Vermont, U.S.A.  The students were on a 2-week trip to Europe and were accompanied by 3 teachers.  During the visit, they were able...

The Sound of Scotland in Barcelona On October 17th, for the first time in its history, St. Paul’s received a visit from a real Scottish pipe band.  The band was made up of pupils from Glasgow Academy, a secondary school in Scotland, who, together with the...

Steve Smallman is a well-known English children’s author and illustrator.  On the 20th of September 2011 Steve came to St. Pauls to visit the children of Kinder, Prep, First and Second grade. Steve participated in small story telling sessions for the children where he shared some of...

¡Sport Camp 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!

¡Summer School 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!