
Art and Culture Around The World –First Steps Towards Collaborative Learning In February all of the children from Nursery to Second Grade participated in Creative Week.  During this week the children were mixed together so that they had the opportunity to work with new friends from different...

On the 1st and 2nd of March 15 students from 4 ESO had the opportunity to participate in the Global Enterprise Project - Barcelona Challenge along with students from other schools in the Barcelona area. The idea was that students from different schools formed groups and...

On Friday 24 February, St. Paul’s was delighted to receive a visit from 17 students from the Long Trail High School in Vermont, U.S.A.  The students were on a 2-week trip to Europe and were accompanied by 3 teachers.  During the visit, they were able...

El passat dissabte 18 de febrer els nostres jugadors de futbol 5 de 2n de Primària varen debutar per primera vegada en un torneig organitzat pel CEEB (Consell Esportiu Escolar de Barcelona). L’experiència va ser molt positiva tant per als nens que a la pista van...

As part of their Project-Based Learning; 6th Grade in Citizenship, have been learning about ‘Recycling’. Using video cameras to conduct interviews at school, they were able to collect opinions from various members of the school community. The groups then had to decide how they were...

Con gran asistencia de público, el 19 de enero tuvo lugar la conferencia sobre Gestión del entusiasmo en la familia, por parte de Victor Küppers, holandés afincado en Barcelona. La conferencia fue muy amena y dinámica. El conferenciante fue capaz de transmitir en todo momento...

¡Sport Camp 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!

¡Summer School 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!