

St. Paul’s School is situated in Avenida Pearson in the exclusive neighbourhood of Pedralbes on the outskirts of Barcelona, a priviledged location at the foot of the National Park of Collserola.

The school comprises 4 buildings which occupy approximately 7,000 square metres of the 9,600 owned by the school. The gardens, 3 football pitches and 2 indoor gymnasiums make up the remaining 2,600.

The Early Years, Primary and Secondary departments all have their own IT classroom and all classrooms from P3 to 2 Bach are equipped with interactive whiteboards. The school has optical fibre and full WiFi cover.

At present, there are over 100 computers used on a daily basis by pupils at the school. We also manage the connections, digital books and apps for over 500 iPads.

We also have a music room, 2 art rooms, 3 laboratories and 2 libraries.

Our school dining room has a capacity of 270 places and 900 meals are prepared daily by our kitchen staff.


Building 1

Covers an area of 1,100 square metres and is occupied by pupils in their 1st and 2nd year of Secondary Education. The building comprises:

  • 5 classrooms.
  • 1 laboratory.
  • 1 music room.
  • 1 art room.
  • 1 library.
  • 1 staffroom.
  • Headteacher’s office, offices for secretaries and administration staff.
Building 2

Covers an area of 590 square metres and is occupied by pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 of Primary Education. The building comprises:

  • 7 classrooms.
  • 1 staffroom.
Building 3

Covers an area of 3,000 square metres and is occupied by pupils from P3 to year 3 of Primary. The building comprises:

  • 19 classrooms.
  • kitchen and dining-room.
  • 2 IT classrooms.
  • 1 gymnasium.
  • Coordinators’ offices and staffrooms.
Building 4

Covers an area of 2,300 square metres and is occupied by pupils from 3 ESO to 2 Bach. The building has:

  • 10 classrooms.
  • 1 fully-equipped auditorium.
  • 1 IT classroom.
  • 1 gymnasium.
  • 1 artroom.
  • 2 laboratories.
  • 1 library.
  • Coordinators’ offices and staffrooms.

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!