

Pupils in Infant, Primary and Secondary Education each have their own specific timetable.

From P3 to 2 ESO
The school day begins as 8.45 and finishes at 16.45.
The school doors open at 8.15 and children are supervised by monitors during the half an hour before school starts.

Extracurricular activities begin at the end of the school day.
In the afternoon from 16.45 to 18.15, there is an optional period of supervision by monitors for those parents who require it.

From 3 ESO to 2 Bach
The school day begins at 8.15 and finishes at 16.45. Depending on the timetable, pupils may leave early on certain days.

As with the younger children, extra-curricular activities begin when classes finish at the end of the school day.

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!