Educational psychology



The St Paul’s Educational Psychology Department consists of a team of educators and psychologists who are directly involved in the personal and social development of the students.

The department focuses their work in five main areas of intervention:



Individual and personal attention is given from the first levels of education throughout the entire schooling experience.

As different minds require different strategies, all students receive special attention including those who have learning problems or adaptation difficulties as well as talented and gifted students. Strategies employed include:

  • Identification and diagnosis.
  • Speech therapy.
  • Learning support groups.
  • Adapted curriculums for gifted and talented students.

Personal and social development

At St. Paul’s we consider the final objective of education more than just academic degrees and certificates. We are interested in developing people, in all of their complexity and integrity. To this aim, the Educational Psychology Department develops and delivers emotional education programs in all of the different levels of the school. Prevention workshops in primary and secondary are facilitated to strengthen students emotionally in view of physical changes they may be undergoing, possible situations of peer pressure or bullying and /or situations regarding group integration. Strategies employed include:

  • Emotional education programs.
  • Prevention workshops.
  • Coaching.

Professional guidance

Starting in the last year of ESO and throughout all of Bachillerato students are supported and guided academically to help in the process of deciding what to study and what career path to follow. This support and guidance is based on the student’s interests, intellect and motivation. Information is provided regarding different programs of study in Bachillerato, optional subjects, possible co-validation degrees within the EEES (Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior) framework, etc. Pupils participate in:

  • Personality and professional interest tests.
  • Informational talks about different careers and professions.
  • Ex-pupils’ talks.
  • University visits.

Family support

Communication and cooperation between school and family is fundamental in students being able to reach their true potential both emotionally and intellectually. With this objective in mind personalized parent meetings, informative sessions and workshops (Espacio Familiar) are offered throughout the year to all age groups. Conferences and talks are given by members of the Educational Psychology Department as well as by external professionals and specialists. We offer:

  • Parent meetings.
  • Specialized workshops.
  • Talks and conferences.

Guidance in the processes of learning and teaching

Our aim is to optimize the learning conditions of the students. In order to do so, we work together with the teaching staff on the analysis of and search for the best teaching and learning strategies for each individual situation. Our intention is to promote good time management; study techniques; analytical skills and independent learning. We emphasize:

  • Personalized study plans.
  • Study skills.

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!