Summer Inscription


    Child's Details

    Name *

    Surname *

    Date of birth *

    Address *

    Town *

    Postal code *

    Current year *

    Current School *

    CIP Medical card *

    Level of English *

    Guardian 1

    Name *

    Surname *

    Telephone number *

    Email *

    Guardian 2



    Telephone number


    Additional information

    1. Has your child suffered serious illness?

    2. Is your child on medical treatment?

    3. Does he/she require medication during the activity?

    4. Is he/she allergic to nay medication?

    5. Does he/she have any physical or motor difficulty ?

    6. Does he /she have any special education needs?

    7. Do he/she have any food allergies or intolerances?

    8. Any special medical request?

    If you answered "YES" to any of the above questions, please provide the question number and details below.


    A discount will be applied to students who sign up for more than one week. The cost per week will be as follows:

    · 1 week -> 250€/week
    · 2 weeks -> 225€/week
    · 3 weeks -> 200€/week

    Bank details

    IBAN *

    Account holder *

    DNI Account holder *

    Mandate reference:
    Creditor Identifier / Creditor Identifier: ES04000G60197241
    Creditor's name: St. Paul's Private Foundation
    Address / Address: Avda. Pearson, 39-45
    Postal Code - Population / Postal Code - City: 08034 – Barcelona
    Country / Country: Spain / Spain
    Mandate reference:
    Creditor Identifier / Creditor Identifier: ES23000G62639844
    Creditor's name: Pearson Private Foundation
    Address / Address: Joan d'Alòs, 19-21
    Postal Code / Postal Code - City: 08034 – Barcelona
    Country / Country: Spain / Spain
    By signing this direct debit order, the debtor authorizes (A) the creditors to send instructions to the debtor's entity to debit their account and (B) to the entity to debit your account following the instructions of the creditor. As part of his/her rights, the debtor is entitled to reimbursement by his/her entity under the terms and conditions of the contract signed with it. The request for reimbursement must be made within eight weeks following the account debit date. You can obtain additional information about your rights from your financial institution.

    Authorization for use of image and voice


    Given that the Right to one's own image is included in article 18.1 of the Spanish Constitution and, likewise, finds its development in Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on the Right to honor, personal and family privacy and to the image itself, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON requests express consent for the purpose of disseminating and/or publishing, through any medium, images and/or videos, including voice, where your child appears and is clearly identifiable, in a full or partial manner. This image may not expressly affect the privacy of the interested party, being limited solely and exclusively to the stated purpose.
    In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in terms of the processing of personal data and the free circulation of this data, as well as with Organic Law 3/ 2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON informs:
    Responsible Party: FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON | G62639844 | C/ Joan D’Alós, 19 ( 08034) Barcelona|
    Purpose of the treatment: Disseminate and/or publish through any medium the video made with images and/or videos, including voice recordings, where your child appears and is clearly identifiable, in full or in part.
    Legitimization: The treatment of your image is legitimized through the consent granted by accepting this clause.
    Data communication: The data will not be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation or express consent.
    Rights of the Interested Party: The interested party has the right to withdraw consent at any time. Likewise, we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion (Right to be forgotten), data limitation, data portability and opposition, in writing to C/ Joan D’Alós, 19 08034 Barcelona or email to the following address:
    It is reported that, in case of non-compliance by the person in charge, the interested party may file a claim with the competent control authority in matters of data protection -currently it is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD)-through its electronic headquarters:, or by writing to C/ Jorge Juan nº6 – 28001 MADRID. Data conservation: The data will be kept for the time necessary for the purposes of the treatment for which they have been collected.
    The authorizations and declarations contemplated herein are granted free of charge, without you having the right to claim from FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON any amount as a consequence thereof, nor is there any geographical specification as to where this material may be distributed.
    IMPORTANT The management of FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON asks attendees not to capture images or record the voice of students during school events (both in photographic and video format) so that they can later be published on web pages, social networks or any other medium. FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON declines any responsibility derived from the realization or subsequent use of the same. You declare that you understand the present clauses and by signing you express your agreement with the content, you expressly consent to the processing of the personal data set forth in the aforementioned terms.

    Conditions and general authorization

    Summer School 2022 – GENERAL CONDITIONS

    GROUPS: The groups will be organized according to age and may vary depending on the week.

    ASSISTENCE-ABSENCES: Failure to attend does not exempt payment of the fee. In case of absences for a full week, motivated by medical reasons and accredited with the proper medical justification, the fee will be returned or, failing that, the exchange of one week for another.

    ACTIVITIES: I authorize my child to participate in all activities scheduled during the Summer School 2022 (excursions, visits, workshops, etc.) I AUTHORIZE Fundación Privada Pearson to, in the event of an emergency, and if it is impossible to contact me or the rest of my child's legal guardians, contact health professionals so that they can give my child medical treatment.

    PAYMENT CONDITIONS: The fees will be paid by bank by direct debit at the beginning of June. A discount will be applied to students who sign up for more than one week. The cost per week will be as follows:

    · 1 week -> 250€/semana  
    · 2 weeks -> 225€/semana
    · 3 weeks -> 200€/semana

    MODIFICATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS: Changes or modifications will be made according to availability.

    The cancellation fees in case of cancellation will be as follows:

    · 0% for cancellations made before 01/06/22
    · 50% for cancellations made between the 01/06/22 and 15/06/22 both inclusive.
    · 100% for cancellations made after 15/06/22

    DATA TREATMENT: In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, as well as with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON, in its capacity as Responsible for the Treatment of the personal data provided, provides you with the following information:

    Data Controller: FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA PEARSON, | G62639844 | C/ Joan D’Alós, 19 | 08034 Barcelona |
    Purpose of the treatment: To manage the application for enrollment of your child in the summer
    campus of St. Paul's School.
    Legitimization: The processing of your data is legitimized through the consent granted by accepting this clause, as well as by the fulfillment of the contractual obligations derived from the registration of the minor in the summer campus of St. Paul's School.
    Data retention criteria: For the time necessary to meet and fulfill the legal, educational and contractual obligations arising from your child's participation in the campus.

    Data communication: The data will not be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation or express consent. In the latter case, if the communication of data is necessary, at the time of issuing the appropriate authorization for the activity in question, consent will be obtained and, likewise, you will be informed about the processing of personal data.
    International data transferals: No International Data Transferals are made to third countries outside the European Economic Area.
    Rights of the Interested Party: The interested party has the right to withdraw consent at any time. Likewise, we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion (Right to be forgotten), data limitation, data portability and opposition, in writing to C/ Joan D’Alós, 19 08034 Barcelona or email to the following address:

    Likewise, in the event of non-compliance by the person in charge, you may file a claim with the competent data protection control authority, which is currently the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), through its electronic headquarters:, o enviando un escrito a C/ Jorge Juan nº6 – 28001 MADRID.
    The communication of the requested personal data is a necessary requirement to be able to manage the request for enrollment in the summer campus of St. Paul's School, in compliance with our security processes.

    St. Paul's School will maintain due diligence in the treatment and secrecy of the data processed, adopting the corresponding security measures that guarantee the integrity of the data and information related to the student, parents and/or legal guardian. Through this registration I authorize my child to participate in the summer campus. And, likewise, I declare that I understand the data protection clause and, by accepting it, I express my agreement with its content and expressly consent to the processing of my personal data, as well as that of my children.

    How did you hear about us?

    Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

    Sport Camp 2024 està complet, esperem veure-us de nou l'any que ve!

    ¡Sport Camp 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!

    Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!

    Summer School 2024 està complet, esperem veure-us de nou l'any que ve!

    ¡Summer School 2024 está completo, esperamos veros de nuevo el año que viene!