Metodologías de aprendizaje

Throughout the year 4th of ESO students have been giving talks on a variety of topics from The Cuban Missile Crisis to The Civil War in Syria. It's an opportunity to express themselves in front of people, sustain interest and give them confidence for the...

És un concurs dirigit als alumnes de 5è i 6è de primària on se’ls planteja una participació voluntària, en la que s’han de presentar fotografies relacionades amb les matemàtiques. Cada alumne pot participar presentant un màxim de 3 imatges. Cada any, el jurat queda sorprès...

The Movie Making activity for the Video School Magazine in 6th grade, have had a big impact on the English of the participating students.  When, either acting or in front of the camera, they have been motivated to practice their oral delivery and presentation in...

El departamento de Ciencias tiene el orgullo de anunciar que la alumna de 2º de bachillerato, María Castañer, ha sido una de los 21 alumnos clasificados en la XXVI Olimpiada Química de Catalunya. Se ha clasificado en 6º lugar y pasa a la fase nacional que...

Eduard Salvador, an experienced  entrepreneur, visits 3 ESO to make them think about their future in the world of business and  explains the importance of innovating, having new experiences and being positive leaders. Lydia LoCascio Entrepreneurship Teacher ...

On 7th and 8th of March 10 students from 1st  of Bachillerato B participated in the Global Enterprise Project alongside 100 students from other schools in the Barcelona area as part of the Mini Empresas Programme. Students were put in groups and had to create...

Following a study of the basics of electricity and electrical circuits in their classes of Technology, 2 ESO students were asked to invent a game, gadget or other device based on at least one battery, one light bulb and a switch. Innovation and creativity through technology....

Tenim la satisfacció de tenir tres alumnes de 2n de Batxillerat que han estat seleccionades per participar a l’Olimpíada de Biologia de Catalunya de 2013: María Castañer, Helena Domènech i Àngels Ruiz. El passat 9 de febrer Àngels i Helena (per raons personals María no va...

Suzanne Furlan, St. Paul’s School art secondary teacher, was invited to address the students in the Master Programme in the Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat in the University of Barcelona based on her experiences of working with Project Based Learning in the...

En el marc de la Setmana de la Ciència, els alumnes de 4t ESO ens hem apropat al Museu Blau per participar en el taller Com es fa una recerca? Ens han donat les instruccions per tal d’elaborar una bona recerca i com cal presentar-la. Una...

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!