Talento St. Paul’s

Meet the new members of our team..

At St. Paul’s we are extremely proud of the team of talented and passionate educators who make up our teachers, specialist teachers and assistants. This year it has been our

St. Paul’s Work Experience Programme

Dentro de nuestro programa de orientación, St. Paul’s ofrece en BACH1 la experiencia de realizar una semana de prácticas laborables en una empresa real. Mediante esta iniciativa apoyamos la preparación

St. Paul’s School Choir Summer Concert

The newly formed St. Paul’s School Choir,  made up of  students from 2nd to 6th grade of Primary, has been practising since last October, on Tuesday afternoons from 4:45-6:00 pm.

Olimpiada Nacional de Química 2013

María Castañer participó en la Olimpiada Nacional de Química que se celebró en Alicante los días 25 y 26 de abril. Obtuvo la calificación de  “medalla de plata”, distinción que

Suzanne Furlan, teaching teachers

Suzanne Furlan, St. Paul’s School art secondary teacher, was invited to address the students in the Master Programme in the Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat in the

Ceremony for the Cambridge Certificates 2012

This year the ceremony for the Cambridge certificates took place on Thursday 15th November.  179 pupils from 6th grade, ESO and Bachillerato received their certificates from Mr. Jon Kear, Exams

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