Metodologías de aprendizaje

In recent times, overprotection has become an increasingly relevant concern in parenting. Although it is natural for families to want to protect their children from environmental dangers, the tendency toward overprotection can have significant adverse consequences on child development. That is why it is important...

In order to enrich and complement the learning experience of St. Paul's School students in the classrooms, the first year of Bachillerato offers them a pioneering project called "Work Experience," which is part of the school's career guidance program....

The creation of the Early Years Sensory Room offers a different scenario for children to experiment with sound and visual effects or tactile sensations....

Our Performing Arts program includes a variety of classes and workshops related to theater, drama, music, musical production, sound technology and set design....

The nursery stage of children is very important. At St. Paul’s, through a unique approach to early childhood learning, we encourage progress and individuality....

It is with immense pleasure that I am authoring this article as the new Head of English at St. Paul’s. Taking on this challenge at such an exciting point in the school’s history is a real honour and privilege. It comes with the burden of responsibility to...

Drama does things with words. It introduces language as an essential and authentic method of communication. Drama sustains interactions between students within the target language, creating a world of social roles and relations in which the learner is an active participant … The language that...

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!