
Drama does things with words. It introduces language as an essential and authentic method of communication. Drama sustains interactions between students within the target language, creating a world of social roles and relations in which the learner is an active participant … The language that...

Las denominadas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación son el resultado incuestionable de la digitalización de datos, de procesos y de servicios en el mundo, por lo que el debate sobre el uso educativo de dichas tecnologías parece ya obsoleto. Nadie duda hoy en día de la necesidad de convertir a las nuevas generaciones...

El bienestar personal facilita significativamente la puesta en marcha de todos los recursos personales para afrontar de forma positiva los retos que nos plantea el día a día, para aprender, ser creativos, desplegar todo el potencial y talentos que todos y cada uno tenemos. La vida...

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that we used to create them.” Albert Einstein The constantly changing and increasingly complex global world we live in today requires us to continuously adapt how we prepare our students for success. At St. Pauls this means...

The St. Paul’s ESO students have been busily working on an environmental friendly project in the Art Room making soap, hand printing paper packaging, crafting ceramic soap dishes and designing a publicity campaign! Specialists from the areas of the graphic arts, artisan cosmetics, and ceramics...

On Thursday the 7th of November, we were delighted to hold the opening ceremony of Building 5. A very special mention to everyone involved in this project, without such hard work and dedication it would not have been possible. Thank your to all the members of the...

Sport Camp 2024 is now closed, we hope to see you next year!

Summer School 2024 is now full, we hope to see you again next year!